Building Superintendent Training Programs Nyc
Join Classmates. com for Free Reconnect with high school friends, browse the biggest database of online yearbooks andor plan high school reunions. Childrens Aid is the only organization in Charity Navigator history to receive 16 consecutive fourstar ratings. NYC Recovery Homeowners Frequently Ask Questions. GENERAL INFORMATIONWhat is New York City doing to help people whose homes were damaged by Sandy The NYC Build It Back Program assists homeowners, landlords, and tenants affected by Hurricane Sandy within all five boroughs of New York City. The Program consists of multiple pathways, including repair, repair with elevation, or rebuilding of damaged homes reimbursement for repair work already carried out and acquisition of damaged homes. Back to TopCan I still register for Build It Back No. Build It Back registration closed on October 3. Back to TopWhat happens after I registerThe bullying of teachers is on the rise. About a third of American workers have been impacted by bullying in the workplace. After registration, you should begin to gather documents that you will need for your application. A list of suggested documents can be found here. You will be called to schedule an in person appointment at a Build It Back Center with a Housing Recovery Specialist. Back to TopHow do I confirm, reschedule, or cancel or my appointment with a Housing Recovery Specialist If you need to make a change to your appointment, please call Build It Back Customer Service at 2. If you need to leave a message, you will receive a call back within two business days. Back to TopIf I live in New York City, should I also apply to the New York State Rising Housing Recovery Program The NY Rising Housing Recovery Program is the assistance program for residents of New York State who reside outside of the five boroughs of New York City and whose affected homes are outside of the five boroughs of New York City. Because the registration for NY Rising is only intended for residents outside of NYC, you should have applied to NYC Build It Back separately. Back to TopI own multiple tenant occupied homes, but I only registered one address with Build It Back. Building Superintendent Training Programs Nyc' title='Building Superintendent Training Programs Nyc' />What should I do When you schedule your initial meeting, notify your scheduler or Housing Recovery Specialist that you own these properties because you may be able to complete applications for all of them at the same time rather than go through multiple appointments. Crack Do Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012 on this page. Back to TopWho is required to be listed as a co applicant All owners of a property must be present for the initial intake meeting at a Build It Back Center with a Housing Recovery Specialist unless Power of Attorney is granted to another person and sign the required forms and provide the required documentation. Back to TopIf I am not an owner of the property, but I am married to an owner of the property and I have lived at the property for many years, can I be a co applicant Only an owner or a co owner of a property may be an applicant. In cases where an owner wishes to have another individual represent them in the application process, the owner must grant that individual power of attorney. You can find this Power of Attorney form online or a Housing Recovery Specialist can provide you with one. Back to TopIs every co applicant required to provide income information Income information is only required from individuals who are members of the household living in the home. For example, consider a mother and daughter who own a home together, but only the mother lives in the home. While the Program requires both the mother and daughter to be co applicants, the Program requires income information only from the mother and anyone else who lives in the home, but not the daughter. Back to TopWhere are the Build It Back Centers locatedGmail is email thats intuitive, efficient, and useful. Video Game Downloads Paypal more. GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access. No permit is required for the purchase of a rifle or shotgun except in New York City. A license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver is required to purchase a. The Coalition for Community Schools is an alliance of national, state and local organizations in education K16, youth development, community planning and development. GENERAL INFORMATION Questions on applications, coapplicants, scheduling, and the Build It Back Centers. Welcome to the State Aid Office at the New York State Education Department State Aid Office Mission To determine and distribute the correct amount of State Aid to. The locations of the Build It Back Centers are listed below. If youre not sure where your meeting is, we recommend you call Customer Service at 2. Please note that you may visit a Build It Back location without an appointment in order to deliver missing documents or for any questions following your Options Review Meeting. Brooklyn. Brooklyn Construction Services Center. Rockaway Parkway Brooklyn NY 1. Staten Island. Staten Island Construction Services Center. Midland Avenue. Staten Island NY 1. Queens. Queens Construction Services Centers. Cross Bay Blvd. Howard Beach NY 1. The Build it Back Construction Service Centers will be open six days a week to serve homeowners. Monday 9am 5pm. Tuesday 9am 5pm. Wednesday 9am 5pm. Thursdays 9am 8pm. Friday 9am 5pm. Saturday 1. SATELLITE OFFICESBrooklyn. Coney Island. 19. Mermaid Avenue, 2nd Floor. Brooklyn, NY 1. 12. Wednesdays by appointment Council Member Treygers Office, Brighton Beach. Neptune Avenue, Room 2. CBrooklyn, NY 1. 12. Monday, 5. PM 8. PM Queens. Install Sp3 On Windows Xp Embedded Boot'>Install Sp3 On Windows Xp Embedded Boot. Breezy Point. West Market Street. Queens, NY 1. 16. Thursday, 2. PM 7. PM 1. 0 0. 1 Beach 2. Street. Far Rockaway, NY 1. Tuesday, 9. AM 5. PM 5. PM 7. PM by appointment onlyWednesday Thursday, 9. AM 5. PMBack to TopIf I have a Build It Back question not answered here, what should I do For any question about NYC Build It Back, please call Customer Service at 2. Back to TopHow do I find out more information about business assistance NYC Economic Development Corporation and NYC Small Business Services handle business disaster relief. You can find more information here. Back to TopI withdrew from Build It Back. Am I allowed to reactivate my application If you have received notice that you have been withdrawn from the Program and believe this was an error, you may submit a Request for Review, along with supporting documentation. You will receive a formal notification of the outcome of your request within 3. You may find a Request for Review form here. Back to TopHOMEOWNERWhat are the criteria for eligibility Personal eligibility requirements include Homeowners and landlords must have owned the damaged property at the time of the storm October 2. The property must be a primary residence whether owner occupied, or renter occupied year round. Per federal regulations, second homes are not eligible for assistance. US citizenship or qualified alien status. Property eligibility requirements include Homes must be located within the five boroughs of New York City. Homes must have suffered damage as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Back to TopWhat if Ive already received other funds to help me make repairs The Federal disaster recovery funds which are being used to assist eligible applicants are subject to certain requirements. The Program must confirm that applicants have not already received financial assistance from other sources for the same activities for which the program is providing assistance. If applicants have already received assistance from other sources, it may impact the amount of assistance that they may receive from the Program. Examples of other sources which applicants may be required to disclose in order to receive repair or reconstruction assistance include, but are not limited to. FEMA Individual Assistance for Structure IA FEMA National Flood Insurance Program NFIP, for structure, not contents Private Insurance, for structure, not contents Increased Cost of Compliance ICC Small Business Administration SBA New York State assistance Philanthropic funds granted specifically for home repair. Back to TopMy income has changed in the last year. Should I still provide my most recent 1. The Program needs to record your current income. If your income has changed since your last tax filing, you do not need to submit your tax return as a supporting document as proof of income. Instead, you can submit any other forms of documentation that reflect your current income, as defined here. Annual NYC Elder Abuse Conference Planning and Prevention. Jun 2. 01. 7, from. AM to. 4 0. 0 PMLocation The University Center at The New School. Fifth Avenue. New York, NY 1. Register Now. Click here for JASA staff registration. Click here to download the invitation. Jump to Program. Jump to Morning Workshops. Jump to Afternoon Workshops. Conference Partners. JASA. Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center for Elder Abuse Prevention at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale. Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging of Hunter College. Carter Burden Network. David Berg Center for Law and Aging. Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service. Justia Agenda. Live. On NYThe New School Institute for Retired Professionals. New York City Department for the Aging. New York City Elder Abuse Center. New York City Human Resources AdministrationDepartment of Social Services. St. Johns University School of Law. PROGRAM8 0. 0 9 0. AM REGISTRATION BREAKFAST9 0. AM GREETINGSMartha H. Pollack, LCSWChair, Conference Planning Committee Manhattan District Director, JASAKathryn Haslanger, JD, MCRPChief Executive Officer, JASADonna Corrado, LCSW, Ph. DCommissioner, NYC Department for the Aging. Joy Solomon, Esq. Director and Managing Attorney, the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center for Elder Abuse Prevention at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale. Dan Tietz, Esq. Chief Special Services Officer, New York City Human Resource Administration. Elizabeth Weinmann, MBADirector, The New School Institute for Retired Professionals. AM KEYNOTE ADDRESSMaking Elder Fraud a Distant Memory. Liz Loewy, General Counsel at Ever. Safe Pioneering Legal Expert, Author and Lecturer in the field of Elder Justice. Introduced by Risa Breckman, LCSW,Director, NYC Elder Abuse Center. Elder fraud is a multibillion dollar industry in America. One in five seniors are affected, and the cases are vastly underreported. Its no secret that scammers target vulnerable seniors, victimizing them in ever emerging and sophisticated schemes. Safeguarding an older adults life savings requires a proactive prevention strategy and a team approach. Technology tools now exist that can help seniors, their loved ones, and professionals monitor for capacity issues that suggest theyre at risk. This keynote presentation will focus on how advance planning and leveraging the use of technology will curb the elder fraud epidemic in profound ways. Liz Loewy is General Counsel at Ever. Safe, a technology company focused on preventing fraud and identity theft in later life. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Albany Law School, she was formerly a prosecutor in the Manhattan DAs Office, where she became Chief of the first Elder Abuse Unit. Ms. Loewy served as trial counsel in high profile trials, including the successful prosecution of Anthony Marshall, the son of Brooke Astor. She lectures on elder fraud in the US and Europe and is the co author of Financial Exploitation of the Elderly Legal Issues, Prevention, Prosecution, Social Service Advocacy Civic Research Institute. Ms Loewy has been quoted in the NY Times, Consumer Reports, Forbes, Businessweek and Marketwatch, and has appeared on ABCs 2. CNBC and NPR. MORNING WORKSHOPS1. AM 1. 2 4. 5 PM1. Building a Restorative Trauma Informed Community to Prevent and Intervene with Elder Abuse CEHAdverse childhood experiences are increasingly recognized as impacting later life. This workshop provides an overview of trauma informed care that can be infused in agency and community settings that serve elders, especially victims services. MODERATOR A. K. Halarewicz, LMSW, Doctoral Student and Adjunct Professor, CUNYPRESENTER Tina Maschi, Ph. D, LSCW, ACSW, Associate Professor, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service. The Game Changer Forensic Accounting to Identify and Resolve Financial Exploitation Cases CEHFeeling over your head with financial exploitation cases, the largest, fastest growing type of elder abuse Learn how to uncover financial exploitation and how a forensic accountant can help you identify and resolve your cases. This workshop is more than a lecture dig into real examples with your peers MODERATOR Florian Edwards, LMSW, Senior Director, JASA Adult Protective Services. PRESENTERS Peg Horan, LMSW, NYC Elder Abuse CenterJASA Karen Webber, CPA, CFE, Webber CPA, PLLC3. Learning the Landscape for Fighting Elder Financial Exploitation Government Resources CLELearn more about the roles and resources of state and federal agencies that assist clients who are the victims financial exploitation, the fastest growing form of elder abuse. MODERATOR Joy Solomon, Esq, Director and Managing Attorney, the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center for Elder Abuse Prevention at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale. PRESENTERS Susan Axelrod, JD, Executive Vice President of Regulatory Operations at FINRA Joy Feigenbaum, JD, Executive Deputy Superintendent, NY Department of Financial Services, Financial Frauds Consumer Protection Division Naomi Karp, JD, Senior Policy Advisor, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Office of Older Americans. Working with the NYPD to Protect Older New Yorkers New Initiatives CEHThe New York City Police Department Domestic Violence Units are well known for their work in elder abuse response, including identificationprevention and community partnerships. Learn how NYPDs Domestic Violence Officers are trained to respond to Elder Abuse and how you can partner more effectively with the NYPD through important new programs such as the Neighborhood Policing Program and the Crime Victims Advocate Program. MODERATOR Cheryl Lee, LMSW, Project Director, Brooklyn LEAP, JASAPRESENTERS Sergeant Frank Maiello, Office of the Chief of Department, Domestic Violence Unit, NYPD Detective Denise Melendez, Office of the Chief of Department, Domestic Violence Unit, NYPD5. Alternatives to the Criminal Justice System CLEWorking with abusers is an important component of elder abuse work. Often clients refuse help if it means using law enforcement and the criminal courts. In this workshop we will discuss how the criminal justice system works and will focus on other options available that could keep individuals out of jail and on the road to recovery. MODERATOR Dianne O. Woodburn, Esq, Legal Services Supervisor, JASAPRESENTERS Susanna Eckblad, LCSW, Criminal Defense Social Worker, Brooklyn Defender Services Colleen King, Esq, Senior Staff Attorney, Mental Health Team, Brooklyn Defender Services Jessica Nitsche, Esq, Staff Attorney, Integrated Defense Practice, Brooklyn Defender Services. Identifying Elder Abuse in the Home Care Setting CEHLearn how the Home Care Service Program HCSP identifies, addresses and reports suspected elder abuse. This team model provides a safety net to ensure that vulnerable Medicaid eligible older adults receive immediate assistance. MODERATOR Michelle Degrasse, MPA, Home Care Services Program Curriculum Developer and Trainer. PRESENTERS Nilza Lopez, LMSW, Executive Director, Home Care Service Program Field Operations, NYC Human Resource Administration Joyce Roberson Steele, LMSW, Brooklyn Community Alternatives Systems Agency Director, HCSP, NYC Human Resource Administration. LUNCH1. 2 4. 5 2 0. PMAFTERNOON WORKSHOPS2 0. PM7. Guardian Ad Litem GAL Elder Abuse Specialist Pilot Program CLE CEHSuspicions of elder abuse often arise in Housing Court and because of the population and role they serve, GALs are ideally positioned to identify and respond.